Don't forget to read our guide lines and recommendations for placing your order properly

Lovely university with gardens

Ordering Instructions

Ordering CVs online is quick and secure and our payment system accepts all major credit cards along with payments via PayPal accounts.

For CV and cover letter orders, we require full career histories, qualifications, and training either in a current CV or a completed questionnaire - see below for further details.

(1.) If You Already Have a Current CV

- Please email it to us at:
- In your email please state the profession(s) you wish to target your new CV towards
- Your CV should be a Microsoft Word document (.doc format) or a plain text file (.txt)
- Please ensure it contains the following:

[ A ]
Your work experience including:
- Job titles
- Dates (starting and leaving)
- Name of employer
- Duties

[ B ]
Education and professional qualifications including:
- Dates - Name of institution
- Qualification achieved
- Any academic awards, distinctions
- If you are a recent graduate please also include your main modules and details of your final year project / dissertation

[ C ]
Your achievements and other significant results in:
- Work
- Leisure

[ D ]
Other relevant additional information such as:
- Languages
- Driving licence
- Hobbies etc

(2.) If You Do Not Have a Current CV

- Please download and complete the appropriate questionnaire below
- Email the completed questionnaire to us at:

[ Management ]
Management Executive / Project Manager Questionnaire

[ Medicine ]
Medical Doctor Questionnaire

[ Law ]
Law Professional / Law Graduate Questionnaire

[ Academic ]
Academic Questionnaire

[ Nursing ]
Nurse Questionnaire

[ All others ]
Standard Questionnaire

CV Request

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